Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Its August and its gorgeous.

I prob would have started.
and I prob would have started.

I prob would have started to tell you that ... you mean the world to me.

I thought of getting off work, i tot of you.
I thought of weekends, i tot of you.
I thought of New York, i tot of you.
I thought of mikko ageing, i tot of you.
I thought of all things great or small, i tot of you.

As we approach the lovely day when you were brought to this earth,
I want to tell you that, I thank all for bringing you here.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

things just get better

I got my results today!
n i passed!
w grades to be proud of!
n the whole world knows!!! haahaahaahaa

Im such a big fat show off.
Well, you can say anything when you are the boss and the world is under your feet.

actually, i couldnt emphasis enough.
I really appreciate the many times you
-chauffered me ard
-accompanied me
-woke up early with me
-doing everything and anything to make it easier for me
- always me me me ...

Without you, it would not be possible.

If passing that paper is something to be proud of, i need a new word for proud to tell the world how it is like to have you in my life.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Weekend Part 1

What a long weekend...

Action started on Friday.
We went to PS cafe for dinner... and wine. How atas is that.
The food was less than good, however, more than compensated by the ambience with a backdrop that is nothing less than a chic crowd. :)
Then its MJ!

Impromptu though, as i got the mobilisation alert only late into the night.
MJ...aka... Rival of my significant other is about my favourite game on earth.
So, what a shouting match it was going to be, if not for the generosity of a rare being who happens to treat me like her Precious.

Saturday started early... It was finally here... the Porsche test drive.
Getting out of bed was effortless... cos she said that she would be ANGRY if i were unable to wake up. ( scared shit)
Went all the way to Leng Kee, just to be faced with the cruel limitation of my youth... Dunno why, but it always work against me.
Anyway, they were nice enough to draft a brand new insurance to cover the lil me next sat! coool....

Fantastic Fireworks...
They were the only two lucky doggies there. I hope they know.
Mikko had a world class view on top of the car and i bet he was mesmerized. I held his lil paw while he watched on. Such joy doesnt come easy and I sure treasure it a great deal.
As for Memphis, that silly lili's attention had to be redirected back to the action many many times. Hmm.. I realise that, other than ME (excluding anything that he can eat), nothing else can get his attention. heehee...
My dogdogs need at least 12 hrs of sleep daily. I wish them dreams as beautiful as the fireworks we saw together.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

national day fireworks

After raving so much abt it, and brought both mikko & memphis!!!!!!!!!! --- > > > I DIDNT MANAGE TO CATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!! ... k n n

Im going to try AGAIN this sat... with lots more planning!

well, yesterday sux big time.
1) i was having a massive headache n darlin didnt get me my coffee!!! - 1mmmmm pts
2) i went to get instead and didnt have enuff money!!! -1mmmmmmmmmm pts
3) rushed all the way to the east side and saw NO fireworks!!! - 1mmmmmmmmmmmmmpts


But it could be worse. If not for UUU!!!
I really appreciate the trouble you go, just to bring me two darlins out... cos they sure did make yesterday a more bearable one. - +8mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpts


zhu wo de ai ren sheng ri quai le ..keke

Friday, August 04, 2006



I'm as single minded as my dogdogs.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

cheers to 06

Im not really into blogging now.

I realise that I think faster than I type NOWadays and thus have a huge problem trying to put whatever that is going thru my lil brain into words.


I will just write the things that i like doing now .. just for those kaypohs who are interested to know... anybody there???

1) Meetings with Harry Potter and Bach and we discuss 'the flat yield curve'
2) Lunch time --- >>>>> eat foods that almost moved me to tears

After work
1) coming home EARLY n patpat my two beautiful dogdogs
2) watch Singapore idol ---> not ashame to say...My skin is very thick
3) going SWIMMING --- > all thanks to who will watch her BB swim.

Im getting further and further away from the market ... stocks or 'stocks' ...keke.
Im engaging a new role .My job is to TALK. ***Take heed*** I will always remind myself*** that nothing sells better than personality***DOGsDOGs*** Im getting random again.

>>>>>>>>SYNTEX ERROR<<<<<<<<

I can only focus on my beloved flat yield curve.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

cheers to 06

i love everything abt anything right now...
