Saturday, May 13, 2006


I had a blardy nitemare yest and it had successfully sucked energy from me...
I dun feel like doing anything except picking fights with FBB...

I prob need to find something different to do again ...
Then again, I am in the process of changing my job, trying to monitor my poor semi-not feeling well dogdog, furiously studying for the *&^#ing demanding exam ... and they are all not enuff to keep my hyperactive brain in check ...

GRRRRRRRR....... im so frustrated with myself... *@^#*#@^*@#&^*@#)%

its a wonder how FBB can stand in the path of a charging bull like me with confidence ...
some things are so beyond rocket science and im truly disturbed by my inability to understand...
cos things tat happened without reasons are castles built on sand, vulnerable and weak ...
its all gonna be replaced by proven theories, tried and tested , leaving wat happened a classical note, no longer worth playing.

I think im having PMS...!!!!!!!

I hate to tell my clients that I can no longer deal for them ... :(