Wednesday, July 26, 2006

my food reviews

being on the other side now certainly comes with many many perks... wat can be better than meeting new ple in nice places every other day and being the target of a buttering exercise...

Guess my only working hrs are spent in the gym and pool... to try shaking off those perks that can only be deposited as FATS...

Pierside Kitchen and Bar ---> fish-shaped salmon
Ember @ Hotel 1929 ---> nothing fantastic
Yoyogi ---> Good toro
Gari Baldi ---> nothing fantastic
*** Aoki *** ---> TO DIE FOR!!!

everything is new

Havent been updating for the longest time.
I have been so busy... with
- my new job
- my new exercise regime
- my new tvb dramas
- my new found passion for my dogdogs...
= I kept wanting to just stay at home.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Looking forward

to the wonderful trip i am going to have...
